Questions & Answers

Reflash limit reached

0 votes
I am trying to repair a customer's remote start, EVO ALL module is doing nothing. I reprogrammed it, and it says limit reached on dcrytor. Can you please reset for me. Thank you.

Service number: 001A06  247248

hardware vr:6

Firmware Vr 4.8

Date 10/13
asked Aug 11, 2020 in GMC by Patrick Fennell (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Modules over 4 years cannot be flashed.

Not a problem on this car though as it's an old install that did not use dcryptor.


I can get you the old instructions but will need too know if the installation was also done with little TB-GM2 module or not.


Little note, if the TB-GM2 was used, you can reprogram the evo without issue but the TB-GM2 is a one time programming module.
answered Aug 11, 2020 by Robert T (299,950 points)
edited Aug 11, 2020 by Robert T

Old guide found here:

  • Connection 6 on Page 12 and Program 4 for installation without TB-GM2
  • Connection 6 on Page 13 and Program 7 for installation with TB-GM2


If the THAR-GM2 T-harness was used (which also included the TB-GM2), this is the guide:
