Questions & Answers

Multi outputs on aux1?

0 votes
Simple question. Can I hook up multiple outputs to aux1?

lets say rear defroster and heated steering wheel to the same aux output on evo one if the signals are the same?
asked Apr 11, 2020 in Kia by James armstrong (300 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Yes you can, it is recommanded to diode isolate the output.
answered Apr 11, 2020 by Mathieu Bertrand Collin2 (62,060 points)
I completed the install. I have the evo one with evo start2. I installed a siren and a shock sensor. Everything is working except the aux. I diode isolated all the connections and I wired both heated seats, heated steering and rear defrost. None of them work lol. They work manually but I can't activate through the app and the unit won't activate them if the temp is under 5 degrees either. All 4 wires run into a connector that plugs into the aux wire. If I ground that connector should that activate everything? I mean it's suppose to be a ground pulse from the evo to activate them.

im just trying to troubleshoot the issue and was curious if grounding the connector would activate them. Then at least I'd know the wiring is correct.

im going to try throwing in a relay to increase the negative pulse to see if that helps. I do have four triggers wired so It wouldn't surprise me.