Questions & Answers


+1 vote
Why don't you put on the activation card that its only good for 48 hours. I signed up and logged on to make sure everything was good to go Now when I'm ready to install I cant access any of the wiring diagrams and photos I need. If your not going to put installation instructions with your product then I should be able to access the info when I need it. What if I encouter problems that can't be resolved in 48 hours. I could have printed the instructions but not all of the pictures. I'm certainly not going pay extra for Installation instructions that should have come with it in the first place. I guess I'll just have to return the whole remote starter kit.
asked Dec 19, 2017 in Mazda by Mike Gardner (140 points)

2 Answers

0 votes

All instructions are free and readily available for download at



answered Dec 20, 2017 by derek g (347,180 points)
0 votes

All instructions are free and readily available for download at

Simply enter your make, model, year and trim and select the appropriate guide. 


answered Dec 20, 2017 by derek g (347,180 points)