Questions & Answers

3x remote will not start vehicle

0 votes
Veh: 2012 Chrysler Town & Country

I followed the install insturctions for my CHRT4 and programming seemed to work successfully, however the vehicle will not start using the 3x remote option, which i chose when flasing the unit.

The doors successfully lock and unluck with the remote and all power doors function as the did prior to install.

When hitting the lock button on the remote, the unit flashes blue and the parking lights flash one time. When hitting the unluck button on the remote, the unit flashes blue and the parking lights flash two time and the headlights come on for 30 seconds or so.

3x lock however provides no further response or attempt to start vehicle.

What am i overlooking?
asked Dec 26, 2016 in Chrysler by Lou Atwell (200 points)

1 Answer

+3 votes
Best answer
Checking the service number C1 OEM Remote monitoring has not been  enable. The vehicle will not start without this option enabled.
answered Jan 9, 2017 by Martin Miller (860 points)
selected Jan 17, 2017 by Robert T2
That's what I needed. Thanks!
Can you explain how to enable this?