Questions & Answers

2015 Lexus IS250 turn on automaticaly heated seats & rear defrost

+1 vote
I would like to know if there is an option to enable heated seats and rear defrost with the Evo-All.

I have Firmare 79.36 installed and I used guide #23781

I also have RF Kit (ON) for DEI SmatyStart.

The smart start works, just wanted the option to have the rear defrost and heated seats turned on, or use the the Can Bus to enable the options.

I have the options (ON) in the Flasher for the heated seats and rear defrost and saved.
asked Nov 20, 2016 in Lexus by Carlos Camara (230 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
No, heated seats and rear defrost are not operable by can on your vehicle.
answered Nov 20, 2016 by Carlos Camara (85,210 points)