Questions & Answers

Car starts 30 second then shut off

0 votes
Evo ride is connect to Crimestopper D7. The car run for about 30 seconds and shut off. It trys to start again and then shutoff again. I think its not sending a tach signal????

When I program the evo ride I dont get the 10 flashes. But it starts with out the key.

Is the ground while running needed?
asked Nov 3, 2013 in Ford by Gary Borsella2 (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

Hi Gary,


The EVO-Ride is a transponder bypass only, it will not give a tach signal. This connection needs to be wired to the vehicle.

Is the ground while running needed?


answered Nov 4, 2013 by Robert T (299,950 points)