Questions & Answers

Honda CRV + SmartStart engine shutdown & restart

0 votes
I have a weird problem with a 2014 CRV + SmartStart + EVO-ONE + THAR harness combo.  


Everything has been working flawlessly for 2 months, but now the customer reports the engine shutting down and then restarting 3 seconds later, whenever he issues an unlock command from the SmartStart.  Unlocking the door by factory key works fine, however.

Any idea where I should start troubleshooting?  Nothing has changed since the original install.
asked Feb 10, 2015 in Honda by MarkC (1,850 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

Got a hammer? joke.. This may be a tuff one though here.. Just make sure you see for yourself first hand what exactly is happening.


What is the evo-one service number?


When the vehicle shuts down, does the RED LED on the unit also turn off? Basically trying to figure out first if the EVO is actually shutting down and then the SmartStart tells it to start back up.


Is it shutting down with unlock, or is shutting down when opening a door?


We have a hidden option we use for testing, option 38.3. This sets the middle pin of the shock sensor input as an (-) external trigger. What you can do for a test here, is to activate that option, and remote start the vehicle using the middle pin of the shock sensor input connector (i believe a ground pulse will start/stop the vehicle). Once remote started this way, try unlocking using the SmartStart to see if it would shut down.

answered Feb 10, 2015 by Robert T (299,950 points)
Thanks for the great answer, Robert.  I'll wait until I get the car from the customer, so I can troubleshoot and get the service #.

The engine is shutting down/restarting on unlock command only.  The door is never opened.  If the door is unlocked by key and opened, engine stays running and customer enters car as normal.  

Time to buy a bigger hammer..