Questions & Answers

THAR-ONE-KHY1 2010 Versacruz install Guide

0 votes
Could you send me the instalation guide using the THAR-ONE-KHY1 T-Harness and a EVO-ONE for a 2010 Vera cruise Limited Proximity key. The guide shows one avalable for this application but  does not show it in the guide.
asked Dec 17, 2014 in Hyundai by Charlie Moore (920 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Guide can be found here.

There will not be individual vehicle guides for the THAR-ONE-KHY1/2. There would be way too many guides to make when all you have to do is ignore the main ignition harness connections in the vehicle specific installation guide without tharness.
answered Dec 17, 2014 by Robert T (299,950 points)