Questions & Answers

Need a wire that grounds when running.

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I'm working with a 1999 Chevy Suburban and using the PASSLOCK-SL2 to bypass the onboard security. Using diagram 4 in the installation guide, I have everything spliced in except the Blue Wire (-) While Running. The vehicle does NOT have a remote start or keyless entry system at all. I need to find a wire that grounds while running. Where can I find a wire that grounds while running, or can I tap it in to the ignition wire that has voltage?
asked Sep 2, 2014 in Chevrolet by Matthew Carpenter (130 points)

1 Answer

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That unit is initially meant to be used with a remote start system to temporarily bypass a functional passlock during remote start. That while running wire can be found on a remote starter. It is used to "turn on" the unit. The passlock-sl2 will not react to voltage, only a ground signal. Only wire at the ignition switch that would give ground is the key-sense.
answered Sep 2, 2014 by Robert T (299,950 points)