Questions & Answers

FAQ - Why an INT series module is required for remote-starter installations with an electronic ignition.

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This vehicle is equipped with an electronic ignition and traditional key barrel wiring from the remote-starter will not function. An electronic ignition vehicle does not have the normally associated Ignition, Accessory and Starter wires for the remote-starter to connect to and control.

An  INT series interface module will automatically control the electronic ignition based on the Ignition, Accessory and Starter input signals received from the remote-starter.

Furthermore, the INT series interface modules do not bypass the factory transponder, therefore and additional PATS bypass kit is required to complete the remote-starter installation.
asked Aug 21, 2014 in Bypass by Mukesh Patel2 (1,640 points)
retagged Aug 22, 2014 by Robert T2

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