Questions & Answers

Flashlink4 software update error

0 votes
Hello. When i connected my flashlink-4 updater (s/n 002504042363) to pc it showed version 4.02 and asked to update to 4.05. I clicked update. Then update started an hour or two it is at 1% and nothing changed. I reconnected module and then flashlink manager says- previus update error. When i click on software version it says- last version. Red light on module is on. I cant understand why it couldn't update?
asked Mar 22 in Mazda by Alex Vasilenko (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Looks like the it crashed during the update. Unfortunately if it does not give you any options afterwards to update, the only option would be to have the Flash Link replaced.
answered Mar 22 by Robert T (299,950 points)