Questions & Answers

2010 camry

+1 vote
Hello. I installed evo-all (3x lock...001A07582654) on a 2010 camry hybrid. After starting from the standard remote control, the remote control no longer responds unless we touch it on the car window. I installed the second module, but again the same.
asked Mar 21 in Toyota by G M (14,360 points)
reopened Mar 22 by G M

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer


Try rolling back the fw to something like 79.59 or 79.49 reset, re configure options, re program and re test.


Best regards.
answered Mar 21 by derek g (337,260 points)
selected Mar 22 by G M
Did not help. Even the radio does not turn on correctly when our module is connected...It has a replacement dashboard. Installed European.
In that case my only other suggestion would be to add an rf kit.