Questions & Answers

2009 Kia Borrego With Immobilizer DeActivated

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Hello,  I'm installing an EVO-One with THAR-ONE-KHY1 Harness on 2009 Kia Borrego.  The vehicle is equipped with immobilizer and immobilizer RFID metal ignition key but the immobilizer function has been stripped from the ECU/ECM software so the vehicle starts with any metal (properly cut) key.  When I install the EVO One can I ignore the PATS Data connection and use the "Program 2: Vehicle Without PATS Data Wire" programming instructions?  Thanks
asked Nov 30, 2023 in Kia by Mike Wes (160 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

Yes, vehicles without IMMO follow program 2 (page 5) for can bus only.

Best regards.
answered Nov 30, 2023 by derek g (337,660 points)

OK thanks.  I have it installed per the directions but now the remotes won't program to evo one. Please see question I posted regarding this issue.
