Questions & Answers

Alarm activation when locking with OEM Fob

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I have an EVO ONE with alarm system activated ( with connected to the Horn ), I donot have any OEM alarm from the manufacturer, My car is nissan qashqai with push button. Alarm used to be activated when i locked the car using OEM fob or door button ( If i recall correctly ), Now it is only working when locking with RF kit remote ( crimestopper ) while it doesnot trigger the alarm when locking with OEM fob . Is there any programmable option that i did my mistake or i am missing to restore the orignial feature. I want the alarm to be activated whenever the vehicle is locked from any source ( door button or OEM fob or RF kit remote ) thanks in advance It is S/N : 001A07026604 and i am using a T harness
asked Nov 12, 2021 in Nissan by Ahmed Aboushouk (330 points)

1 Answer

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should be simple. Try disconnecting and reconnecting your vehicles battery.
answered Nov 12, 2021 by Robert T (299,950 points)
So there is no programmable option to tell the EVO to activate the alarm only if locking came from the RF kit ? Cause if there is such a thing then i would need to disable it Also bear with me for my ignorance, what would the battery reset trial do as a function to the EVO in this case ?
option C1 is what tells the module to monitor the oem remote. It shows as enabled in your module.  When locking/unlocking, the blue led shold flash o nthe evo indicating it is detecting the oem remote commands. 1 flash for lock, 2 flash for unlock


Disconnec the battery is to reset the keyless on the car.
Option 38.4 is a EVO-ONE option. It's an evo-one you have or evo-all? The service number you gave was for an EVO-ALL.


Im confused :D  but either way, you are correct with option 38.4 if using an evo-one
I ad earlier an EVO All then swapped it with EVO ONE so i can have the dedicated alarm feature. Apologies seems i have sent to you the EVO all SN and not the EVO ONE. You were correct as it did work using feature 38.4 indeed