Questions & Answers

Keyless entry via RF KIT - Toyota Yaris 2012

0 votes
I programmed the EVO ALL for the alarm functions, added the FTX64 RF Kit and paired both remotes. The alarm can be armed and disarmed from the remotes but door locks doesnt work (the horn beeps 3x as the diagnostic says) and I have to use the OEM fob for this function or do it manually with the regular key.

If this functions is not avalailable over CAN for my car, is necessary to connect other wires for doors control ?
posté Mai 25, 2016 dans la catégorie Toyota par Danny Rivera (510 points)

1 Réponse

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It works over can as well as the door lock data connection.

If this connection is not made or is on the wrong wire the door locks will not function properly.

The module will still program if the door lock data is not connected or on the wrong wire.

Just to confirm as well, their is a G on your key?

It is also a hatchback correct?
répondu Mai 25, 2016 par derek g (359,350 points)
élue Mai 25, 2016 par Danny Rivera

Yes, is the hatchback model. CAN high and low are connected. But none of my 3 keys (two regular and one with the fob) have any letters or marks.

Did you connect the door lock data wire?

If their are no marking it could be one of 2 things:

1- the vehicle has no immobilizer.

2- It is not a G-Key but indeed a dot key, but seeing as you said their are no marking at all i would think its more than likley option 1.

Also what is the 10th digit of the vin number?
yes, the car has no immobiliser and I have no door data connected, the evo all is wired as in the alarm guide (page 11). I forgot to inform this is not a US or Canada market vehicle, is a General Countries according to Toyota designation,  the 10th digit is a 0.

That being said look at this guide as you will need to connect the door lock data wire in the vehicle.

Once this is done i would suggest re programming the can bus.

This is the complete VIN JTDJW9D3X0D524703, the guide I am following was  according with the one you posted I will use de A20 for CAN doorlock data ?

The wirecolor guide (2012-14) call for the pink wire in the 30 pin connector and other 2 negative wires for Lock and Unlock (double pulse).

You are using an evo all as an alarm so their are no lock and unlock outputs. So making connections to the door lock wires in the vehicle will not work.

It is done by conneting the light blue a20 from the 20 pin connector as you mentioned to the door lock data wire in the vehicle as shown in the guide. Also i would re program the can bus (blue led programming) once this connection is made.