Questions & Answers

06 Altima auto start works interrmittently

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Hello I have a Fortin module starter on my 2006 Nissan Altima. The starter will work sometimes along with the door locks and trunk control. When everything is working the horn beeps with locking and unlocking doors.

As if a switch has been switched the remote buttons change and only one button both locks and unlocks door with no horn, no trunk, no starter.

This is an older unit so I am unclear if it is still dealth with. Are there any manuals availible?
posté Fev 4, 2015 dans la catégorie Nissan par Scott Giroux (130 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
It might be in valet mode, try looking for a valet switch (push button valet switch) if you find it,  Switch on IGN then push 3 times on the valet switch. If it was in valet, doing the procedure above will take it out of valet mode.

If you need a manual, you will need to provide us with the model number of the remote starter. (on the bottom of the remote starter module)
répondu Fev 4, 2015 par J M (64,270 points)